Opening a file in c

Opening a file in c

A file must be opened before any I/O operation can be performed on that file .

The process of establishing a connection between the program and the file is called opening the file

A structure named FILE Is defined in the file stdio.h that contains all information about the file like name , status , buffer size , current position , end of file status etc .

All these details are hidden from the programmer and the operating system takes care of all these things.

typedef  struct {

A file pointer is a pointer to a structure of type FILE . Whenever a file is opened , a structure of type FILE is associated with it , and a file pointer that points to this structure identifies this file .

The function fopen() is used to open a file


FILE *fopen (const char *filename , const char *mode);

fopen() function takes two string as arguments , the first one is the name of the file to be opened and the second one is the mode that describes which operations ( read , write , append etc) are to be performed on the file .

 On success , fopen() returns a pointer of type FILE and on error it returns NULL . The return value of fopen() is assigned to the pointer declared previously . For example

FILE *fp1 ,*fp2 ;
Fp1 = fopen(“myfile.txt”,”w”);
Fp2 = fopen(“myfile.dat”,”r”);

The name of the file is limited to FILENAME_MAX characters .

After opening the file with fopen() , the name of file is not used in the program for any operation on it .

whenever we have to performed any operation on the file we will use pointer returned by fopen() function .

 so the original name is called external name but the file pointer associated with it is called internal name.

The second argument represent the mode in which file is opened . The possible modes are :


– If the file does not exit then this mode create a new file and if the file is already exist then previous data is erased and new data entered is written to the file


- - If the file does not exit then this mode create a new file and if the file is already exist then new data is appended at the end of file . In this mode , the data existing in the file is not erased as in previous mode.


-- This mode is used to read existing data in the file . File must exist for this operation and data is not erased


—This mode is similar to the write mode but here we can also read and modify the data . If the file does not exit then this mode create a new file and if the file is already exist then previous data is erased and new data entered is written to the file


—This mode is similar to the read mode but here we can also write and modify the data .File must exist for this operation and data is not erased . Since we can add new data and modify existing data so this mode is also called update mode.


—This mode is similar to the append mode but here we can also read the data stored in the file . If the file does not exit then this mode create a new file and if the file is already exist then new data is appended at the end of file . In this mode , the data existing in the file is not erased as in previous mode.

To open a file in binary mode we can append ‘b’ to the mode , and to open the file in text mode ‘t’ can be appended to the mode .

But since text mode is the default mode , ‘t’ is generally omitted while opening files in text mode . For example-

“wb” - Binary file opened in write mode

“ab+” or “a+b” - Binary file opened in append mode

Errors in Opening Files

If an error occurs in opening the file , than fopen() return null . So we can check for any errors in opening by checking the return value of fopen() .

FILE *fp ;
fp = fopen(“myfile.dat”,”w”);
if (fp == NULL)
printf(“error in opening file”);


Errors in opening a file may occur due to various reasons , for example-

1.If we try to open a file in a read or update mode , and the file does not exist or we do not have read permission on that file

2.If we try to create a file and there is no space on the disk , then we do not have write permission

3.Operating system limit the number of file that can be opened at a time and we are trying to open more file than that limit


We can give full pathname to open a file . Suppose we want to open a file DOS whose path is ”f:\file\myfile.dat” , then we have to write as –

fp = fopen(”f:\\file\\myfile.dat”, “r”);

Here we have used double backslash inside string is considered as an escape character , ‘\f’ and ‘\m’ are regarded as escape sequence if we use single backslash . In Unix , a single forward slash can be used

Never give the mode single quotes , since it is string not a character constant

fopen(”f:\\file\\myfile.dat”, ‘r’);  //ERROR

You can Browse related article below for more information and program code related to file handling Does above is helpful , Post you views in comment


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